A functional Campylobacter jejuni maf4 gene results in novel glycoforms on flagellin and altered autoagglutination behaviour. Microbiology. 2008 Nov;154(Pt 11):3385-97.
by van Alphen LB, Wuhrer M, Bleumink-Pluym NM, Hensbergen PJ, Deelder AM, van Putten JP.
The activity of the glyoxylate cycle in peroxisomes of Candida albicans depends on a functional beta-oxidation pathway: evidence for reduced metabolite transport across the peroxisomal membrane. Microbiology. 2008 Oct;154(Pt 10):3061-72.
by Piekarska K, Hardy G, Mol E, van den Burg J, Strijbis K, van Roermund C, van den Berg M, Distel B.
Differential activation of human and mouse Toll-like receptor 4 by the adjuvant candidate LpxL1 of Neisseria meningitidis. Infect Immun. 2008 Aug;76(8):3801-7.
by Steeghs L, Keestra AM, van Mourik A, Uronen-Hansson H, van der Ley P, Callard R, Klein N, van Putten JP.
Arcobacter spp. possess two very short flagellins of which FlaA is essential for motility. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2008 Jun;53(1):85-95.
by Ho HT, Lipman LJ, Wösten MM, van Asten AJ, Gaastra W.
Carnitine-dependent transport of acetyl coenzyme A in Candida albicans is essential for growth on nonfermentable carbon sources and contributes to biofilm formation. Eukaryot Cell. 2008 Apr;7(4):610-8.
by Strijbis K, van Roermund CW, Visser WF, Mol EC, van den Burg J, MacCallum DM, Odds FC, Paramonova E, Krom BP, Distel B.
Functional analysis of a Campylobacter jejuni alkaline phosphatase secreted via the Tat export machinery. Microbiology. 2008 Feb;154(Pt 2):584-92.
by van Mourik A, Bleumink-Pluym NM, van Dijk L, van Putten JP, Wösten MM.
Active migration into the subcellular space precedes Campylobacter jejuni invasion of epithelial cells. Cell Microbiol. 2008 Jan;10(1):53-66.
by van Alphen LB, Bleumink-Pluym NM, Rochat KD, van Balkom BW, Wösten MM, van Putten JP.